The Scaffolding is Back

Our construction manager told us last week that the bricks would be cleaned and pointed this week, and sometime between Saturday lunchtime and Sunday afternoon, scaffolding was put back up along two sides of the house (and on Monday, also along the other two sides).

Since it seems that it will rain the whole week, maybe it will be there for a while.

It's now almost a week since the heating was switched on, and since the screed is drying, it is very humid inside. As you walk up the stairs it gets progressively warmer and muggier, and upstairs it's a bit like being in a sauna. We now have to open the windows every day to let the moisture out.

Work is progressing with the plaster boarding – all of upstairs is complete (since last Friday) and downstairs the kitchen/lounge/dining room is done, as well as the utility room. Only the WC, entrance hall and cellar stairwell still to go.

At the weekend we were able to take a look into the loft.




Construction Dates

Begin (Groundwork)7th November 2016
End (Handover)19th April 2017